By: Jerald D. Hawkins, Sandra M. Hawkins | Publisher: Brooks/Cole
This title comes from "Cengage Learning Activity Series". From aerobics and yoga - to bowling, tennis, weight training, and more - Wadsworth offers a complete line of activities texts to meet your teaching needs. Written for individuals of all skill levels and backgrounds, the "Wadsworth Physical Activity Series" goes beyond the mere fundamentals, showing students how to improve, excel, and simply get more enjoyment from their favorite physical activities. "Walking for Fun and Fitness,, 4th Edition", is divided into three parts: Part One is an introduction to walking;; Part Two, Fun and Fitness Through Walking, discusses exercise principles and technique; and, Part Three, Maximizing Your Walking Program, covers injury prevention, nutrition and weight management. Armed with the knowledge of this text, students learn effective motivation techniques to get them started (and keep them going!), and help them discover that walking can be fun and lead to greater fitness.