""The authors,, doctors all, explore the merits of physical activity pass the 50-year mark, providing plans and fine-tuning existing programs.
Regardless of age, say the authors, everyone should feel the exhiliration of exercise and derive the health benefits from a solid workout. They understand it`s never easy to start: You have to get motivated, find time, assess risk and safety issues and develop an individualized plan. Since this can be daunting, the authors start from the beginninggetting started, then preparing, acting and maintaining the program. They stress the importance of keeping things interesting and challenging, and they give special emphasis to lifestyle changes that use everyday activities to help you keep fit: take the stairs, walk the dog, forget drive-up windows, don`t use anything remote. Stage by stage, the authors provide the mental, emotional and behavioral skills necessary to keep active, and the workbook format is a useful tool.
A simple, encouraging guide to maintaining fitness after the age of 50.""
"Kirkus Reports"