By: Stephen Carroll, Andrew Bezear (Illustrated by) | Publisher: Which? Books
This health manual addresses the concerns of the 1990s male man to man. After describing how the male body works, this book advises on diet and exercise, looks at stress and how to cope with it, and at sex and how to enjoy it - healthily, and for as long as possible. A chapter entitled "Fatherhood - a survival guide"" suggests ways of participating in and enjoying the experience. A far-ranging section on common medical problems,, from acne and hair loss to heart disease, prostate disorders and VD should address the worries of young and old alike. Other practical information covered includes: self-help measures for problems such as hair loss, body odour and bad breath; self-examination and screening tests to detect diseases at an early stage; the causes and treatment of more serious illnesses, including those which specifically affect men, such as prostate disease and testicular cancer; how to prevent stress overload - both at work and in the home; sexual responses in men, and guidance on coping with sexual problems; fatherhood - how to survive it from conception through to adolesence; and addresses of self-help groups. Stephen Carroll is the author of "Complete Family Guide to Healthy Living" and contributing editor of the "BMA Guide to Medicines and Drugs".